Saturday, November 21, 2009

The "S" Word

Yes, that is SNOW. About 30 miles east of Denver we began to see the white stuff among the hillsides and grass. This shot is just west of Denver city limits. Definitely more snow to the west of Denver than the east.

We left Sioux Falls this morning at 5:45 AM and checked into a hotel in Grand Junction CO at 9:00 this evening; 900 or so miles later and 15 hours of shared driving. Nice to get the miles behind us as we have been on these roads before. Tomorrow is "new territory".

A small buffalo herd along Interstate 70 west of Denver.

We passed through 6 tunnels tonight from Denver to Grand Junction. The Eisenhower Tunnel the longest at 1.5 miles.

New sights tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how far you traveled in one day. Would have taken us three days! Continue traveling safe and we'll see you in about four weeks at Canyon Vistas. Love reading your blog and knowing what you two are up to!



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