Miss W's mommy created a beautiful setting for
the family B-Day party
Miss W as the Paper Bag Princess,
If you are not familiar with the story, you must read it.
It is one of my very favorite and one of the first books
I bought for Miss W.
The Hello Kitty lunchbox was a hit
The Ehresmann men
3 generations
Miss W loved all her gifts!
I told her that gift was golf clubs
Then when the 3 crockpot warmer appeared....
But it was the 'mother-lode'
full of puzzles, coloring books, craft projects, etc.
Little bro wanted some of the pretty packages, too
Daddy reading one of the B-Day cards to Miss W
A coloring book from great-grandma
Miss W checking out the Fairy House
designed and built by mommy
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...
Birthday cupcakes and homemade ice cream to end the party.
Happy Birthday Miss W!