Monday, July 1, 2024

The Waiting Is Over...

 The waiting is over with the perennial flower bed. I waited to see what the city was going to do when they mowed the area. For three months they have mowed a strip of the wash area leaving my flower bed alone and the neighbors potato patch alone. April was just too early to think about plants and flower beds. May was too chilly and too busy to think of flowers to add to the bed. I patiently waited to see which flowers would come back. Finally, this last week (after the 12 inches of rain) the weather has cooperated, the price of plants reached end of the season prices, and I finally decided the perennial flower bed was going to be safe from the city mowers. After 3 months it was in dire need of some TLC. It was my project for Saturday and Sunday.

This past week I scoured numerous garden shops to find sale prices and perennial plants. I really was surprised at the number of perennials that did not survive the winter, especially the cone flowers.

before weeding 

after weeding and a little transplanting

view from the other end before weeding

and after weeding and some planting

the annuals are doing very well on the border of the bed

lots of blue flowers in the annuals

There is work to do this week. The grass in the back needs to be attacked by the weed whacker/eater. The weeds need a shot of Roundup, or several shots. I dug the thistles out of the flower bed and tried to get most of the creeping jenny. Although my body aches in many, many areas, I was in my happy place this weekend digging and planning and planting. 

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