Friday, June 20, 2008

Area Flooding & Water Problems

Last week when we went to the neighboring community, we saw signs of flooding. in the areas around and along the Baraboo River, people had sandbags around the foundations of their homes. We could see the high water levels rushing under the bridges. I got a photo of an area where the two nearest evergreens were now standing in water, where they had not been before the storms of the week before. Thankfully, the water has receded in this area and the main roads are once again open to traffic. There is still a detour on 90/94 between Madison & Milwaukee; it just isn't a 500 mile detour anymore.

This seconded photo is of Lake Delton, the lake that is no more. What looks like tents in the background is actually the ski jumps for the Tommy Barlett Ski Show that is now a land and sky show. The lake over-flowed it's banks at the far end of the photo, washing out a road and the earthen barrier that held it in place. It was interesting to drive along the lake yesterday and see all the boats lifts on the sandy bottom of what used to be the lake. There were also many boats and pontoons lining the shoreline. We did not see the houses that had broken in half or the area where the houses had been washed away. The lake just drained away, leaving its contents in place, undisturbed and barren.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your photos! I'm glad you have a chance to get out and about while you are in Wisconsin. The news is just filled with all the flooding. The Mighty Mississippi and other rivers are sure reminding everyone not to take them for granted this year.


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