Sunday, August 2, 2009


This is where we ate dinner this evening. It was my first experience at Ichiban, but Curt had eaten at the one in Minneapolis years ago. It was just a few blocks from the hotel and was a welcome walk after the 7 hour bus ride.

Our chef fixed the appetizer at our table: chicken livers, onions and mushrooms with several sauces (soy, Saki, etc). It was very good, surprisingly. Our meal started with a vegetable soup, followed by a salad of marinated cucumber slices with crab meat. The chicken livers was course three.

Our group of retired teachers filled three tables at the Ichiban. Our table had the smallest group. The grill is in front of Dave & Jodi who are seated in the center of the photo.

The chef is "firing" the shrimp. My scallops with onions and mushrooms are resting on the side.
Steak accompanied the fish. It was followed with sauteed vegetables, course 5.

The waitresses wore traditional Japanese "dresses." Our meal was followed with a cup of green tea and a dish of ice cream or sherbert. Yes, we got enough to eat with the seven course meal. What a fun experience and a great way to start the Winnipeg excursion!

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,

    Great job on the photos and comments. Very informative and interesting.



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