Friday, April 16, 2010

Greensburg KS, Before & After

Greensburg KS was leveled (almost) by a tornado the summer of 2007. We saw the damage when we drove through in December from SD to AZ. Here are some photos from that trip.

We had parked the truck & 5th wheel across from this convenience store so I could take some pictures. The little convenience store was the only "happening" place in town. It too had suffered some structural damage, but was serving coffee and soda and had a working bathroom. It was a very busy place that December day. Notice the "bare" area across the street, in the background. I stood in one spot and took pictures in three or four directions.

It wasn't any less busy today when we filled gas at the convenience store. They have added a grocery store. I again walked across the street and took pictures. This was the scene today:

This is the same spot as the second picture above, the lot with all the rubble.

This new house is on the block behind the convenience store and across the street from the rubble pile. Notice the tree has survived.

This church is new and is across the highway from the convenience store.

This bank building was just going up when we stopped in 2008. Today it is landscaped and open for business.

It was heartwarming to drive through the community today and see the changes. It is a "green" community so all new building must meet certain environmental requirements. There is a new hospital being built on the southern part of the town and we noticed new businesses related to farming on the northern end of town.

Hats off to the people of Greensburg KS for rebuilding!

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