Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Story, My Life

I have been writing my life story for the past four years. I'm not done (writing my life story), but this summer I did complete the stories from the first twenty years of my life and publish them. Now that my family has received their copies for Christmas gifts, I feel I can let the rest of the world know about My Story, My Life: The Beginning.

The book is available on

When I started the project I envisioned a book sharing stories of growing up on a farm in the 1950s and 60s for my children and grandchildren. I use the word book loosely as I was thinking maybe an 8 1/2 x11 spiral bound document of stories from 1950 to whenever I decided to end it. 

After the first year of classes and writing I began leading classes for others wanting to write their life story. I believe in the process and guidelines used in the class and enjoy sharing how you, too can write and publish the story of your life. Publishing in one format or another is the final step in the process and I needed to practice what I preach. Thus the book My Story, My Life: The Beginning

Although the writers in my class have heard most of these stories, how I put the book together and what I included may be of interest to them. My Story, My Life: The Beginning won't be on any best sellers list. It won't reveal any secrets or shocking details in my life. It will however be enough inspiration to keep me writing and sharing with others wanting to write and publish their life story.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! We will be living next to an author this winter.


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