Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday with Willa

Today's adventures started at 6:02 AM and went non-stop until 8:25 PM when I turned out the light and closed the bedroom door...excuse me, HER bedroom door. There was a nap in between.

The playground at the zoo  this morning.
She requested this playground.

She is climbing down, not up.
She had 3 different groups of kids to 

After nap we made cards.
She is holding her card creation.

Grandpa helped her make the inside of her card.
We can't show you the other cards
'cause they are a surprise.

These are just SOME of the kinds of things we used.

Miss Willa has her own initial stamp. (Las Vegas-ABC Store)

Then it was outside to the pool.

And dance lessons with G'Pa on a rug in the garage.

Step to the left. Step to the right.

She helped empty the pool by filling the big pail 
and watering the flowers and garden.

Then tonight her first attempt with a scissors, I think.
She did alright for the first time. She is an undecided
left-handed or right-handed. Next time we will try with a
plastic scissors that does not open so hard.

She goes home tomorrow.
I will apologize here for all the attention she will 'demand'.
Sorry...but the attention was the intent of her stay. There will 
come the day when she does not care to stay with us or
she will be so busy with summer activities and friends she
won't want to. We'll do the same with our grandson in a 
year or two. Thanks, kids!

1 comment:

  1. Coleen, I loved all the pictures posted today. Miss Willa is really growing! Adorable photo of her holding the card she made. You must frame that one! I am trying to follow your example and have started a blog today about our house adventures. At least maybe it will get me back into WRITING something! LOL



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