Friday, November 15, 2013

Around Aguila AZ

We left the resort for two days this week for a geocaching adventure. Our goal was the Eagle Eye Road with its 250 geocaches. The bonus was visiting the AZ communities of Aguila and Wickenburg. Come along as I share some of the desert scenery.

A cache was located near this old abandoned mine

This lizard stayed still long enough to get his photo.
We also saw quail, a coyote, a jackrabbit but...
all were too fast for the camera

Another mine photo

A natural bridge in the distance! Getting close to sunset.

Of course there was a cemetery cache.
It was so interesting, it will get its own post.

The birds sitting along the roof peak just begged for a photo.

A Highway Patrol stopped by to see how we were doing.
We chatted a bit about geocaching. 
Then I asked if he would be willing to pose with a travel bug
I picked up the day before. The TB's request was to be photographed with
my favorite law enforcement officer. Don't even know this officer's  name,
but he was a good sport.

A view from one of the caches.
Several days of high air pollution makes for 
breathing problems.

The algae colors on the rock got my attention.

A bridge over a wash. The wash is a favorite 
with quads owners.

I could not figure out why holes would be drilled or bored
into these boulders along another wash.

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