Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday with the Cherubs

Other than the day beginning at 5:30 AM, it was a beautiful day to have the G'kids. We spent almost 2 hours outside before lunch and an hour later in the afternoon after naps.

Most morning activities lasted about 5 minutes.
Too much to see and do?

Mcbe using his new crayons

A new to us playground close to our home

Like the morning, most things lasted 5 minutes

Miss W needed help with the monkey bars

His idea of going down the slide

And backwards down the big, twisty slide

He does not enjoy the swing like his sister

She knows her way around the playground

Finally, he caught on

His favorite piece of playground equipment

1 comment:

  1. OK......Mcbe????? Haven't figured that one out yet????

    Fun pictures, hair blowing in the breeze. Miss Willa is now a big girl, will be going to school before you know it!


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