Monday, November 30, 2015

A Month of Little Things

Hard to believe, but tomorrow is December 1st. Where does the time go?

Some of you may have been wondering what on earth has happened to me, no blog posts? The woman who posts everything! There just hasn't been much happening. We haven't traveled other than to see the grandkids. We haven't geocached. Just nothing too exciting.

The first of the month I started a local Writing Your Life Story group. I have 10 men and women who faithfully write and share little pieces of their lives each week. I am also meeting with four women who have taken the WYLS class in the past. I write an episode each week for this group, whittling away on my list of "To Do" topics. I am thoroughly enjoying my Monday afternoons with both groups of people.

I will work backwards on some of the bits and pieces of what we have been doing.

11/30: Today was the first major snow of the season. 4-10 inches are projected for this two day, slow moving system.

using the snow blower

the neighbor's tree

sure am glad he can do this job this year
remember a year ago?

it looks very winter

11/29: We spent Saturday and Sunday with son and family

we brought some of daddy's toys for the kids

they were very excited to play with them

11/28: On Saturday, son and our favorite DIL made a delicious Thanksgiving meal for the 6 of us. 

DIL set a beautiful table
a prelude to a delicious dinner

11/27: On Friday a friend and I attended the first Christmas concert for this season...AWESOME!

pianist Erik Apland, former pianist for the White House

just piano and voice, with humor and improv

Shawn Cable, a local tv weatherman

his O Holy Night gave me goosebumps
What a voice!

11/26: Thanksgiving. I cooked a traditional meal for my Mother and oldest brother. Quiet, but very nice. No food photos as I took the advice posted on FB. We all ate the same stuff. My only special addition was eating off the china plates I thought about/planned to get rid of, but as of yet...haven't.

Earlier this month: A day with son and family

reading stories before nap time

Miss W wearing one of the Halloween dress-up 
costumes G'ma grabbed on sale

Late in October: From the days when we stayed with the G'Kids while Son & DIL were on vacation.

McBe helped decorate the desserts for one of our meals

sister was in school
HE got to help

Now you are all caught up with what we have been doing. As I said at the beginning, nothing very exciting. I am thinking next month might be a bit more newsworthy. It will be safe to check the blog once a week for some updates.


  1. Quiet is good too. Glad all is well with you and your family. Sherry

  2. Quiet is good too. Glad all is well with you and your family. Sherry

  3. I so enjoyed catching up with you through your blog! First of all, your home looks Sooooo beautiful, frosted in snow! I'm jealous. We have had a LOT of rain! I try not to whine about it, but the lack if sunshine makes me S.A.D. I'm glad to hear you are both well. Your WYLS students are blessed! I really miss that regular, "sit down and write, NOW" motivation. Loved seeing photos of the grands. They are getting so big, but still as cute as ever. Have a wonderful Christmas! Our best to you both! Debra

  4. I so enjoyed catching up with you through your blog! First of all, your home looks Sooooo beautiful, frosted in snow! I'm jealous. We have had a LOT of rain! I try not to whine about it, but the lack if sunshine makes me S.A.D. I'm glad to hear you are both well. Your WYLS students are blessed! I really miss that regular, "sit down and write, NOW" motivation. Loved seeing photos of the grands. They are getting so big, but still as cute as ever. Have a wonderful Christmas! Our best to you both! Debra


Thanks for your comments!