Thursday, January 18, 2018

Another Month Closer

In the post titled Catch-Up in November I posted about collecting geocaches which were placed each month geocaching has existed. Earlier this month we went out and collected another geocache to fill another month.

Dead Car cache was supposedly accessible using the jeep and unmarked ATV trails. We really did look for the road, but finally gave up and just crawled over/through the barb wire fence to walk about 400'... as the crow flies.

We had to cross dry gullies/washes, climb up the hills, just to go down again, cross a wash/gully, and climb up again. Three times. We avoided stag horn, cholla and thorny trees to reach the container under a palo verde tree.

an old tin, about the size of a box of soda crackers

we got it
now we have to walk out

this shows exactly how dry the desert is this season
no rain for over 100 days
a walk of .40 mile when we reached the jeep

hard to tell, but that is Four Peaks in the background
the mountain on AZ license plates

the walk was not a problem for the worn-out right hip
I was also able to climb through the fence
Woo Hoo!

One month left! There are only 3 caches in the U.S. still active that were hid in August 2000...Utah, Michigan, and Georgia AND one in Sweden. We have a plan to fill that last box this summer. 

Other geocaching excursions were not as exciting at finding Dead Car. We've also attended some geocaching events and hosted one. 

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