Saturday, January 6, 2018

Catch-Up in November

I'm not certain why I did not blog in November. I guess I thought nothing much happened. We arrived at our winter home. We set up and organized. We geocached some. I looked at the sunsets. I watched the hummingbirds. Same old. Same old. So here is the same old in photos.

 We spent a night in Tucson before arriving at our winter home and met Hubby's niece for dinner at Guadalajaras. She was in Tucson for a conference and it happened to work for the 3 of us to catch up.

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We did some geocaching. One of the first caches we collected was GCED Senda de Tonto. This was an important geocache because it was placed in December 2000.

Hubby had gotten this cache a couple of years ago, but it has been on my radar ever since I realized how close we were to completing the Jasmer: finding a geocache each month since the beginning of geocaching.

I have two months left to fill; August 2000 and January 2001. (Hubby has just one month to fill 'cause he climbed a mountain and I won't be able to do that.) I am hoping to fill one of those months this winter in AZ.

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There was the Veteran's Day Parade and luncheon at the resort. The Combs High School Band adds so much to the parade and honoring the day.

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the AZ sunset

the hummers found the feeders

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We drove south of Florence, almost to Tucson to complete a geoart that had been placed in the last year. Typical desert geoart...we followed high line roads to find the caches. In other words, not the smoothest roads around. The geocaches were not hard to find.

a C1 30 airplane was doing some practicing

the entrance to a desert rat nest

our only animal sighting on the ranch land

contrails and sunset on the way home

Jeep Wave Geoart

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And the last geocaching of November; some urban caching in Apache Junction, along the roads and streets and in the desert.

it was a very smoggy/foggy morning

painted rock

one of the many geocaches

the trinkets (swag) left by other geocachers

this is horse country

we ended that warm day with adult refreshments
with our Italian dinner

As I said at the beginning of this post, same old. Same old. Nothing very exciting or different. Catch up on December is next.

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