Thursday, April 19, 2018

Another Friday Geo Adventure

One Friday earlier this month I rode along with Hubby to his EECP therapy. After therapy we headed to Chandler to go to a Sack Lunch Geo-Event in a park. After the event we did some geocaching. Hubby looked for geocaches with more than 10 favorite points. That means other geocachers found the cache interesting, unique, special or just worthy of a highly favored and respected Favorite Point. Here are a few of our highlights.

Ocotillo-Goodyear Cemetery
20 years ago it was in a farmer's field
now in the middle of a housing district

a historic cemetery

flowers on the trees along the cemetery brick wall

a bottle-brush bush

another geocache about a praying mantis
easy, but fun & creative

We met a number of geo-friends at the event, but also met a new-to-us geocacher from the Chandler/San Tan area. He told us about a geocache he had placed and the number of favorite points that had been awarded to it and him. After we completed our list, we headed to his.

some ducks in a little pond

these two did not fly away

This was a two person job to complete the tasks of getting the duck to the shoreline to find the cache and sign the log. It was also along a busy road, but hey, we did not have the time to worry about whether or not people were watching two old farts playing with ducks in a small, stinky pond. This geocache got two more favorite points!

1 comment:

  1. I visited the ducks today since I was at the truck dealer. Managed to do it by myself but it left me walking in circles...


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