Saturday, May 19, 2018

Celebrating Birthdays

OFD's birthday was earlier this month, but because of our later than usual departure from AZ, we were unable to celebrate with her until this weekend. We had brunch together at one of our favorite places close to her home before we headed on down the road.

Hubby and I then continued on our birthday road trip to Cincinnati by way of...Wisconsin today. We did some geocaching which is the purpose of this road trip. We collected some new counties in WI and found a couple interesting caches. And missed an interesting one.

an easy army tank find

we really hoped to find the cache in Curtiss
but a birthday party at GZ cut short the hunt
(family will know the significance of this town!)

we were in horse & buggy country

tried to get a photo of the horse
but the iPhone didn't cooperate

but this phone geocache did

very clever


then it was birthday dinner in Wausau
spring strawberry salad & wine & yummy warm bread

Hubby's spaghetti dinner

my chicken & vegetables lasagne...yummy!

pie from a favorite place for dessert
can you guess which piece was chosen by Hubby?

birthday celebration started on Thursday with dinner
and flaming cupcakes~all with good friends

And another birthday is in the books!
The Geo-Road Trip continues tomorrow
New places, New adventures...


  1. I think it's pretty special that they would throw a party in Ohio just so you guys could enjoy a roadtrip celebration!

    1. They have 7000 very special friends in the projected attendance for their party!

  2. What a great start to your trip. Looking forward to more on your way to Cinci.


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