Sunday, May 13, 2018

Spring Soccer

We got to SD on Friday afternoon to greet the g'kids when they got home from school! So good to see them and their parents! Saturday afternoon was spent watching soccer. 50ยบ, damp and a wind out of the north...spring in SD!

Miss W and g'pa playing a little soccer
until she left for the playground

diving the yellow team into 2

Dad coaching M's group

finally shirt over the jacket

so much fun to watch
and see the improvement since last fall

notice all the adults with blankets!

G'pa and M trying to stay warm

By Sunday afternoon it warmed enough to have the doors open at the house and to be outside playing in the dirt. All those AZ tubs can wait for another day...


  1. Your g’kids blogs have always made me smile, just as they did this evening! So heartwarming to watch them grow.

  2. So glad you made it home safe and sound and enjoying the munchkins.


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