Tuesday, June 12, 2018

One Week Update

A week ago today I had the surgery to replace my right hip. I left the hospital Thursday afternoon spending the next 4 days following doctor and therapists' orders and using the prescribed meds, as suggested. I spent most of those days very groggy, often unable to complete a sudoko puzzle without nodding off. I enjoyed afternoon naps as they seemed essential. I was doing very well getting around the house with the walker. And sleeping all night, another measure of healing.

I had my first at home shower on Sunday morning. That first one is always a 'fun' experience and all went well. On Sunday afternoon we enjoyed visits from OFDIL and friends. I even enjoyed a short stroll outside. I was quite tuckered by Sunday evening.

On Monday morning I had an appointment with my GP to check the incision, check my vitals, and discuss pain levels. She kindly suggested I start cutting back and taking Tylenol when needed. So I did. The last prescribed pain meds were taken at 6:30 AM on Monday. What a difference that has made! I was able to concentrate long enough the next two days to read a novel The Secret Wife by Gill Paul for my book club discussion on Thursday morning. (Worth the read by the way!)

Today (Tuesday) I used the cane for getting around the house and taking a walk outside to the flower garden. I did not need my afternoon nap, but should have laid on a bed for an hour or two this afternoon as I get stiff and sore by 6. I will remember that for rest of the week.

I have 7 or 8 exercises I do twice a day while lying on the bed. (Yes, I will need to stay there awhile in the afternoon!) I ice often and move often. The staples will be removed next week Monday. I will wear the lovely white compression socks for the month of June. Driving should be allowed next week.

So this update is to let you all know I am doing well, getting better everyday. Thank you for the emails, cards and phone calls. I'm looking forward to next week as things can only get better!


  1. Woo hoo - glad you are doing so well. :-)

  2. You are unbelievable lady.....strong! Keep up the good work my friend. We arrived at the vineyard yesterday, will be here for a few weeks. Joe will be working out on the crush pad doing what he loves!! I’m very proud of you Coleen.


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