Monday, October 1, 2018

September Soccer

Oh, my gosh! It is the end of September. Where did this last month go??? The weather certainly is an indicator that fall and cooler weather is on the way.

Of course, we were not in town when the G'kids had their soccer games earlier this month when the weather was nicer. There was also the Saturday of canceled games because the fields were in standing water. So the past Saturday was the first chance we had to see them play fall soccer.

just in case we did not notice Miss W was starting goalie!

this is her first year of playing on a larger
field (sanctioned?) with referees

I liked how the referee explained some rules the girls did
not know or understand

eating lunch between games

back to a smaller field

M's soccer skills have improved since last spring

no one near him

M scored a goal in this game
one happy kid & one happy coach

The wind picked up during the second game. Hubby and I have decided we do not have the appropriate winter (well... fall) clothes in the camper so we will be making another trip to the storage unit before the next game on Tuesday evening.

even this guy was cold and got his own blanket!

1 comment:

  1. The grands will love having you at their games! A wonderful ‘plus’ with the move😁👍


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