Wednesday, January 16, 2019

First Day of Geocaching in 2019

Yes, it has been some time since a new blog post. When we got to our winter home on the 30th of December, we had no internet service until Thursday. Because of the FB posts, I felt everyone knew about the fun road trip through New Mexico. It didn't take long to unload the car and settle in to winter mode.

I think I got the crud on the plane ride from Miami to Minneapolis. It started with a tickle and cough that did not go away, and eventually added some sinus irritation. I went to Urgent Care, got 3 meds and I feel like it is pretty much gone. There is still a cough now and then but after sharing it with Hubby, it will probably hang around for awhile.

Last Saturday the two of us changed our cell phone carrier and upgraded to new smart phones. Today I had the opportunity to use it while out geocaching.

There has been so much rain some of the wild flowers are blooming! That usually doesn't happen until late February and maybe March. No poppies on this trip, but I do know where they are blooming!

 This was the first day we had been geocaching. We've held and attended several area events. It was awesome to be out in the sunshine and on the backroads. I did most of the running today, trying out the new hip. All went well. Tired, but not hurting from climbing in and out of the jeep 35 times. Life is good!

the Brittle Bush are in full bloom

I am rather frustrated as my 'old' photo saving and editing program is no longer working. (The program's decision.) Now, everything is in Google. So I am unable to add the watermark and editing photos is very basic. Not certain I like this change.

Writing Classes have started. Hubby is bowling on Friday morning. Friends from SD have arrived. A group of us saw the movie On the Basis of Sex. Awesome movie. That is life at winter camp.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are out there and running races again :-)
    Hope your latest geo adventure was successful.


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