Friday, November 22, 2019

Our First AZ Geo Adventure

Once we got settled, the first appointments out of the way, and the fridge and cupboards stocked, Hubby began planning our first geo adventure.

We left at 6:30 AM for the two hour drive to the first geocache. Only one little area of slow traffic for an accident. Not bad for a Thursday morning drive in rush hour traffic and full moon.

After a stop for fuel, breakfast and our last flushing potty break until the end of the day, we were off to find shotgun shell geocaches in the desert.

not a lot of vegetation in places
Terry taking his turn collecting and replacing shotgun shells

very brown as there has been very little rain
but it is in the forecast for this week

saguaros growing on the sides of this hill,
very few saguaros on the low land

the dust kept in the valley by the mountain ridge
we need rain

a saguaro with many short arms

and its neighbor hugging itself after loosing its top

this was the best road once we got off the pavement

It was the roads that made it an adventure! There were clouds of blue smoke above the Edge every now and then as the driver was certain she would not make it through the sandy wash, or over the rocky road, or through the volcanic rock fields, or through the drop offs into and out of the washes...but she did! No one had to push or get out and walk, but they may have wanted to at times...

Jane taking her turn at collecting and replacing geocaches
more bushes and shrubs to scratch the Edge

near the end of the adventure
next time we take the jeep or a truck!
a four-wheel drive is much more appropriate

Hubby had it washed and cleaned the next day and reported there were no AZ stripes (bush and shrub scratches) on my new car! 

one of three power plants in the area

second of three power plants along the PAVED road

the last stop of the day for dinner
we had stopped here last spring after completing the 
shotgun shell geo series north of interstate

we completed the yellow lines
the green lines are the ones we have left and that isn't all of them!

198 geocaches found and signed and replaced
4 tired, relieved but emotionally drained geocachers

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a very busy winter ahead of you to complete those! I will be back to working on the Florence power trail this winter. Enjoy your sunshine 🌞


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