Thursday, December 5, 2019

Finally, After 13 Years...

Finally, after a wait of 13 years, I saw the wild horses that roam the Salt River area. Hubby has seen the horses while hiking. Others have seen the horses when driving along the Bush Highway. Even geocachers have seen the wild horses while caching in that area. The closest I had ever come to a sighting was to see the evidence they had been roaming the area.

Hubby and Terry wanted to scout a geocaching area on Sunday afternoon, so Jane and I rode along, knowing full well, we'd be looking for the elusive geocaches in the desert. As we walked along a fence to begin our geocaching adventure, we noticed some well hidden horses on the other side of the wire fence.

it might be prohibited, but that certainly
doesn't prevent people from shooting up glass 
bottles and other targets 

can you see the white one nibbling on the bush?

this one has a white face
there in the middle of the photo

two in one photo!

a few resting in the shade of the tree behind that horse

The horse photos are not the best as they were taken with my phone camera. The photos look pretty good on the phone, but once they are transferred to another device, cropping REALLY distorts them. I did see the wild horses. I did take photos of them. Just maybe I'll see them again...

loved seeing the green grass growing after the rains

finally the first geocache
can you see it?

great mountain views
blue sky and sunshine and perfect temps

toppled arms and top of a saguaro

met several bicyclists on the trail

admiring a unique saguaro

A successful afternoon of roaming in the desert,
enjoying the warm temps, the sunshine, and the
desert flora and fauna while finding a few geocaches.

*****And after blogging for 13 years, I also learned something new. I did not change the size of my photos  when I inserted them into the blog format in the last blog post or this one. That little action or non-action, allows you the reader to click on the photo, any photo, to get a larger version of it. I have wondered how other bloggers did that!!! Have a great day!*****


  1. Whoa....very exciting! Sometimes one’s heart swells when ‘catching’ a moment. Coleen I can feel your excitement.

  2. Desert beauty. Glad you have spotted them. It feels good when dreams become reality.


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