Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time with a Hummer

On January 26th after taking some photos of the snow on the Superstition Mountains in our 'backyard' I returned home to find a hummer hanging around one of the feeders. I stood on the deck and snapped photos for 9 minutes. He knew I was there, but he hung around doing his thing of keeping the other hummers away. I have always thought we had ruby-throated hummingbirds in the resort and only now have realized they are Anna's hummingbirds.

he wasn't there to eat

but to preen
click on the photo (enlarge it) to see his beak at work

the sun catching his red crown

preening his wing

The feathers sticking out at the back of his head are his identification. He is the one that lets me know when the feeders are empty. He flies by the window to welcome us and to thank me when I put the feeders out after we arrive. He is noisy (wings) when he comes to feed or roost or chase the others hummers away from any of the three feeders.

ruffling the feathers around his neck

he looked like he was hunching his shoulders and 
fluffing his feathers against the cold
(like me in my fleece jacket)

really hunkered down

he turned around so I could get a photo of his green
back feathers shining in the little bit of sunshine

I had never noticed the white near his wings before

and he turned once again for another view of
his showy colors
(enlarge the photo by clicking on it)

and more colors displayed

and a final stretch before either he left 
or I got cold and went inside

It was a very entertaining 9 minutes! And all photos are of the same Anna's hummingbird!

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