Thursday, May 6, 2021

Traveling to Mingo - Day 1

Hubby and I are on another camping/caching adventure. This time we are traveling to Colby, Kansas. Why Colby KS? Well, Colby KS is hosting a large geocaching event (called a MEGA) to commemorate the oldest active geocache in the world, Mingo. (near the village of Mingo KS) Geocaching was born May 2, 2000. (See/read story here.) The Mingo geocache was placed May 11, 2000 making it the oldest (not first) continuous, active geocache. There was to be a big celebration May 2020, but Covid-19 interfered so the party was moved to May 8, 2021. We have been looking forward to this celebration for two years.

Because we have the time (we are retired!), we are spending a couple of nights in Nebraska going to KS and coming from KS to find caches in more Nebraska counties, hoping to eventually turn that state green like South Dakota and Arizona. 

But here is the pre-trip story. The plumbing issues on the travel trailer had been fixed. That meant the toilet, shower, and any other water usage was now available while camping. Woo Hoo!!! We brought the camper from storage on Monday morning, but one of the tow bars would NOT stay in place. We've had issues with that bar and it's slot for at least a year, but have always been able to get it to stay/hold eventually. Not this time. So we drove side streets to the nearest RV sales and repair shop to check if it was a fixable issue. It wasn't. We had to purchase a new hitch. Luckily, they were able to install it immediately. We were good to go. Woo Hoo! 

Our route took us through two Nebraska counties where we needed to find a few geocaches to turn those counties green on our geo maps. We also found two Adventure Labs we were not expecting that became the highlight of the day.

This first group of photos is from Columbus NE.

Duncan will be celebrating 150 years this summer

at the Duncan Fire Department

Main Street intersection in Duncan paved in bricks

the Lincoln Highway crossing Nebraska

one of several Lincoln Highway markers

Have you ever heard of the Lincoln Highway? I had not until last year. I learned through the geocaching groups I follow, there was a movement to create geocaches along the original US Highway 30, the FIRST coast-to-coast highway. The idea was to create an awareness of the history of the route, where it went, and places along the way.

To read more about this 1913 highway, who was the brains behind the idea, how it was built and why, who supported it, and who didn't, CLICK HERE. It is quite interesting!

The first Adventure Lab of 10 locations ended in the community of Duncan. The second Adventure Lab began along a still drivable section of the original US Hwy 30 and continued in communities to the west of Duncan.

Another unexpected adventure through geocaching. Definitely a history lesson! There is a movement to create a Route 66 set of Adventure Labs from Chicago to Los Angeles. It is not yet complete, but will be by the end of 2021. 

Now, there is a third part to the travel trailer mishaps. We arrived in Grand Island, our home for the next two nights. As we connected the campground water to the travel trailer, a small flood happened on the bathroom floor. A water pipe to the toilet sprang a leak. (The previous plumbing issues were on the outside of the trailer.)  Not just a little leak, but one similar to a bidet, IF it were inside the toilet bowl and not outside! The two RV services in Grand Island could not fix the issue anytime soon. 

Hubby and I have figured out a way to made due until the trailer can be fixed. The earliest is May 21 in Sioux Falls! We are gone and busy all day, every day on this trip. We were farm kids, growing up without indoor plumbing and running water. We'll use the campground facilities for showers. We can use our toilet without running water. We heat water to wash the few dishes we are using and to wash up. It will work until we can get it fixed. 

I'm blaming all this on Hubby's comment, "I was looking at new campers. Not that I want to buy one. Just looking." I know the travel trailer heard him and is getting even for those evil thoughts!

We were both looking forward to a meal at the Texas TBone Steakhouse. The last time we ate there, I was suffering from an inflamed gall bladder and could only eat mashed potatoes. We shared a delicious filet Tuesday evening and enjoyed the adult beverages. We deserved it and more after another travel trailer episode. Oh well, it is what it is! It could be worse.


  1. Sorry you're having so many challenges with the trailer, but glad to see you back traveling. Loved your pictures and wished I was going to be there with you this weekend, but I planned my trip the other way around just to make sure enough snow was off in the Colorado high country when I get there. Won't get to Mingo until June 30th. Would sure be easier to do the Palm Tree if there were others doing it at the same time! Have LOTS of fun!!

  2. Oh No! Trailer problem, after trailer problem. So glad you are adaptable though! Can't wait to hear all about your fun at Mingo Madness! I'll probably be kicking myself that we didn't plan that one. Oh well, it is what it is! Seriously, have a GREAT time and go catch those counties.


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