Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Rest of August

 And just like that summer is over and school has started, meaning August 2024 is also over. The second half of the month (after the Wyoming trip in the first half) has been busy. Here are photos and commentary in a nutshell, or rather, in a collage.

August 15th

Two of her remaining three children gathered to celebrate Mom's 95th birthday on August 15th. Cake and ice cream were served to the residents and staff at the Walworth County Care Center. My oldest brother had Covid, so was unable to attend. We had to wear masks as the center had been under Covid lock-down earlier in the month, so Mom was confused at first as to who her visitors were. We did get a few smiles from her. We joined her and some of the residents in their weekly bingo game. We won candy bars.

August 19th

McBe tested for the green stripe on his taekwondo green belt. I was so intent (and proud) watching him break the boards, I did not get a photo of that part of his test. He sparred with a fellow green belt student and then sparred with a black belt student as part of his testing. He continues to love taekwondo and willingly attends classes 5 days a week. (green belt with white stripe, solid green belt, and green belt with black stripe)

August 23rd

The fourth weekend in August had been set aside as the E Family Vacation weekend in Sioux Falls. (Previous locations were the Black Hills, Cancun and Minneapolis.) The adult family members met for lunch and then spent time downtown enjoying the sculptures and other iconic landmarks.

The grands were in school and had busy schedules of their own. The seven of us were not together until lunch on Sunday.

August 24th

The oldest E family members were on one bowling team and the youngest Es on another. I included my score of 123 because it was the high score on our lane in the first game! It wasn't that high in the second game as Hubby claimed the honor of highest score. (Miss W was at volleyball practice.)

August 27th

Miss W is one of twelve players for the Lincoln HS freshman volleyball B team. They lost their two matches by only 3 points each game. The team is getting new uniforms, so for now, their gray warm-up T shirts served as numberless uniforms. She played so well. 

August 29th

The end of August also means it is the start of the college football season. We drove to Minneapolis to meet OFD and attend the U of M Gopher game. A thunderstorm caused a one hour delay to the start of the game. As the clouds moved out we saw a beautiful sunset.

The Gophers lost 19-17 to the Tar Heels of North Carolina in a missed field goal in the last few seconds of the game. We endured some off and on sprinkles during the 3.5 hour game. Always fun to spend time with OFD and the atmosphere of college football.

And finally, we bought a new car for me, a Titanium (dark blue) 2024 Ford Edge. 

These two books were excellent reads; the kind of books that stay with you long after you turn the last page.

What will September bring????

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