Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Monday in La Romana

The cruise ship docked in La Romana, Dominican Republic on Monday morning, January 27th. 

green and blue would be the color theme for the week

view of La Romana from our balcony state room

ready for some geocaching, exploring and shopping

sign for a photo op 

I had two geocaches on the list that were close to the pier and shopping area. As we started walking along a road outside the shopping area, local taxi drivers kept telling us it was not safe to walk on that road as it was not the road to the safer city center. The geocache was in a guard rail about >300' from the taxi driver hang-out location. I was bound and determined to get the geocache as others had found it when their cruise ships docked recently. OFD made the find while Hubby visited with a policeman who insisted on watching us or maybe keeping an eye on us to make certain we were safe. There was a second geocache, a Reverse Wherigo, just up that road, but there was no way we were going to continue walking on the safe, wide, dirt road. I found another way to get to it, but again, the drivers told us we were going the wrong way and many offered to drive us to the town center. That was not where we wanted to go! Hubby climbed down and up a dry canal ditch to retrieve the container and sign the log for our second geocache find in the Dominican Republic. Once the geocaching was out of the way, it was time to explore the colorful shopping along the pier.

wooden crafted birds in the shopping plaza

assorted statues at the shops in the plaza

no beach in this part of La Romana

But there was a large pool and hundreds of lounge chairs overlooking the water very near the shopping plaza. Many cruisers from the ship were slicked in oil and suntan lotion lounging and enjoying the sun and 80ยบ temperature.


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