Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ankle Hardware

I was most surprised to see the size of the screws and plate. I was sure the screws, especially the two on the right, were at least three inches long as they were, I'm sure, the cause of most of my problems the last two years. And that plate...I thought it would be at least an inch wide and six inches long...wrong! The pen is to give an idea of size. The items on the left side of the pen were on the left side of the ankle and the two right screws were on the inside, rubbing against the tendon in the ankle. I truly believe the pain from standing and walking will be gone now that the hardware is gone.

I am pleased to report there is no pain, now, 24 hours after their removal. I am elevating and icing as prescribed by the doctor. Tomorrow the dressing gets changed to bandaids and as soon as I am ready, I can walk in the boot without the crutches.


  1. To think all of that was in your body! Here's hoping the pain is gone forever. You will be one happy gal have it behind you.


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