Monday, August 29, 2011

The Garden

The tomatoes are ripening, so today I spent some time in the garden.
The peppers have been very slow, but with the two I picked today, 
the count is now up to 5! But there are quite a few others growing.
The cucumber plants are looking really sad, but there are lots
of blossoms and many little cukes growing.
This is a fun time of gardening, but also a pain, as now that the stuff
is ripe, something needs to be done with it and as usual, I have other
things on my plate this week. Maybe it will all wait 'til next week?

Isn't the color gorgeous?

This is for my friend Marge, who ALWAYS displays her
crafts and cooking in a 'Martha Stewart' manner.

1 comment:

  1. Coleen ..... beautiful display from your veggie garden, and a fabulous photo. Thanks for your comments.


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