Sunday, April 15, 2012

Time with Miss Willa

She is almost 2 years old and has changed since our January visit. Her language is the most noticeable difference. She spent the first hour talking, and talking, and talking. Most of which had very little meaning, but that did not matter to her or us. We can understand a lot of what she says because of the context. It was a fun afternoon.

Curt helped son with a little landscape project. 
Actually, it was finishing a landscape project. 

My part of the job was to keep an eye on Miss Willa.
Tough Job!

 She kept busy in the backyard.

She didn't/doesn't sit still very long.

 Mommy was at work.

Miss Willa also helped move rock.

 A little drink break...

 She ended the afternoon with some time in the swing.

'Push' was very easy to understand.

The pictures will have to hold us and you until next Sunday
and Miss Willa's birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the picture of you pushing Miss Willa in the swing. Priceless!!!!!

    So glad to see you were safe and sound!


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