Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tuesday with the Grands

We have had some beautiful fall days. That is about to change later this week. The S--- word was mentioned as a possibility in parts of the state. We have decided to take advantage of the pleasant days. You know, fresh air and playing outside makes for longer naps and runny noses! 

We have been exploring the parks in our community that are 'little people' friendly. We found a new one today. We checked out three playgrounds in city park looking for 'baby' swings. We found one.

She is so photogenic when it is candid shots.

She is also a very good big sister,

helpful and caring.

He is so content and so dang cute!

It might have been after this photo that she told me
I had taken enough pictures of her!

I tried so hard to get a photo of them as they started down.
Couldn't get one as they moved too fast.
I needed another person.

I got Curt to help, but they went down side-by-side.
I wanted one of them going together.

And on that note, it was time to go home for lunch and naps!
They both took longer naps today. It worked!

Our neighbors graciously loaned their two-seater wagon
(with seat belts) to us for the week. It is AWESOME!

Neither one whined. They did not try to get out.
It is a hit!

Thanks, Todd & Lori!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!!! Lots of and lots of fun at the park. The grand babies are DARLING!!!!! I think you should enlarge the photo of Grandpa with the wagon and dog walking down the walk.PRECIOUS. So many memories are being made this week. A true gift!!!!!


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