Monday, March 24, 2014

Unusual Yuma Findings

We spent most of Saturday afternoon in the desert east of Yuma, driving Lil' Red and stopping every 524' to hop out and locate a small container at the base of an electrical pole. Not exciting except for the large jack rabbit who startled us as much as we startled it. And the large bug making its way along the ground. And this...

Sea shells in the desert? 
Lying on top of the ground?

Why? How?

They went on for about a mile
All over the road, ditch, desert floor

We were next to the canal which had water in it.
Do you suppose they came from the canal?
I really am stumped.

Our 2nd completed geo art
A music note

Yuma also has a star & a heart geo art
Too hot to complete them right now
That is a December/January project

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