Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Fondness for Hats

It seems the G'Kids have a liking for hats...

Which is a good deal...
especially for the blond, fair-skinned little guy.

Mcbe is VERY fond of hats. 

He REALLY loves the baseball hat.
We rescued it from the Chicago Cubs
baseball game we attended in June.
The people next to us had bought it,
as an ice-cream sundae, family-sized.
I just knew the kids would like it.
I insisted we grab it when they left the game.
You can about imagine how it looked
after being filled with ice-cream 
and all the toppings.

Mcbe has worn it everyday.

I saw this 'explorer' hat/helmut at the
dollar store on one of my trips this week.
He likes this one, too!

Dollar store specials...

While looking for something else today,
I found several more hats.
We'll see if they are as popular on their
next visit to grandma's house.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH...........when I saw the photo of 'the grandson'...all I could see was 'the grandfather'!


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