Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Day with the G'Kids

The G'kids stopped by on Tuesday of Halloween week. It was too cold to spend any time outside, so G'ma had inside projects.

Making Cupcakes

licking the beaters is the BEST part

Mcbe wanted in on the action, too

making a pattern with the cupcake liners

Miss W helped fill all the liners, too
(we used an ice cream scoop)

Doing the Dishes

they both washed dishes

Miss W had an apron, so Mcbe wanted one, too

Frosting the Cupcakes

after a nap, time to frost the cupcakes

she was careful & didn't lick the frosting from 
her fingers...AWESOME job!

team effort

orange sprinkles

and then black sprinkles
it looked like pepper!

snack time!

more beater licking

Halloween cupcakes for the family

Card Making

Halloween stickers
let's make some cards

he wanted to make one, too

card for Auntie Kari

writing Auntie's name with G'pa's guidance

signing her card

A fun day for everyone, even G'ma & G'pa!
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. A fun day for sure. Kiddies would love every minute of it. Lots of concentration on their wee faces, then to top it off Halloween cards!!! Auntie would be thrilled to get a card in the mail.


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