Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Book Signing

I know I can count on one hand the number of times I have read a book twice, other than children's books. Even if the books are good, I just do not re-read books. I don't watch movies more than one time, either. Usually.

My book club chose to read the One Book South Dakota as our selection in March. I read it in AZ, enjoyed it, and Skyped the discussion with my book club. I enjoyed the book and discussion so much, I loaned it to a South Dakota friend in the resort and asked her to read it before we both headed home for the summer. I REALLY wanted to talk about the book again. She read it and we did talk the night before we left for home.

In June, another friend shared the author of the One Book South Dakota would be coming to our local library in July through the Humanities Program. The book would also be discussed at the library the week prior to the author's discussion.

Last week book club attended the local discussion at the library led by a retired pastor. It was an interesting evening because of the variety of men and women attending and the comments and opinions that were shared by the group of about 30. Following the library discussion, my book club and my CV/SD friend who drove 100 miles for the library event, met at a local restaurant to discuss the discussion and the book one more time. It was at this point that I decided I REALLY needed to read the book again, before the author came to town.

So what book am I talking about?

Tonight the author came to town and shared what authors share; some personal background, some thoughts about this book and others he has written.

He shared the poem he composed as a fifth grader and his first story written when he was a third grader. 

He read some of his book to us. His wife held the microphone.

William Kent Krueger was eloquent, humorous, personable, and down-to-earth in a midwestern kind of way. It was a delightful hour.

Linda heard him speak in Sioux Falls last night, but she & hubby drove 100 miles to hear him again and to be with book club again this week.

Judy got her book signed. When she stepped up to the table, Kent complimented her necklace and talked to her about it before signing her book.

Lori asked him a question about one of the book's characters and he answered her question with a personal revelation.

I laid the book on the table and said, "I rarely read a book a second time. I have read this one twice and will most likely read it again." He sat back and smiled and said, "Thank you. Really. Thank you."
Then he asked if he could inscribe the book. I said yes, and said my name, one l and two es.

He proceeded to write my name with 2 ls and 2 es. Then looked up and said, "Oh dear. I am so sorry." He looked at what he had written and said, "What should I do?" I replied, "Cross it out and write it right. That way everyone will know it's the real thing." And he did.

Then, he commented on the unusual spelling and he had never seen it spelled that way before. Was there a story behind the one l, rather than 2? I said, yes there was and I shared it with him. 

Book club gathered at the restaurant again tonight after the book signing. We discussed the book again.  This time we also talked about the author's presentation and some of the comments from the audience. 

I have read Ordinary Grace twice and discussed the book six times. I would be ready to talk about it again. I totally get why it took three years to write the book.

As for the spelling of my name? Read MY book.

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