Thursday, July 9, 2015

The South Dakota Magazine's Geocache

continued from the last post...

Congratulations! You have discovered the South Dakota Magazine's  geocache

on the porch of the Berdahl-Rölvaag House at Augustana College. (We made it so much harder than it was!)

The Johannes Berdahl family left Norway in 1871, settling in Dakota Territory. Their son Andrew built this house near Garretson in 1884. Inside are relics from the wedding of Andrew's daughter Jennie and noted author Ole Rölvaag, who was married and honeymooned here.

And the rest of the story...

The Beaver Creek Lutheran Church sits front and center on this hidden treasure of land on the northeast corner of the campus of Augustana College.

the back of the church building

small man-made lake was home to this family of ducks

I have not read Giants in the Earth nor his other two books, Peder Victorious  or Their Fathers' God,  about "the struggles of the men and women who settled the Northern Plains."

tiger lilies adding some color to the 
transplanted buildings

fourth building on this historic setting is the Eggers School

 oops! did not realize the sign had a beginning to the story

All the buildings were closed and locked when we stopped that Wednesday as it was late afternoon, early evening. I think it would be interesting to see the treasures that are housed in each of the different structures. We had no idea this little 'museum of buildings' was in Sioux Falls or near the college football field. Again, one of those geocaching surprises.

1 comment:

  1. You never know what you are going to find when out and about. Very interesting. I have not read the books either.


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