Wednesday, January 11, 2017

2017 Greetings from AZ

I didn't want the first month of a new year to go by without at least one post. So here goes...

It is very rare I see the glorious red or golden color of the Superstition Mountain. For one thing, it is to our north. We do not have any major windows that look to the north. Rarely do I sit on the north side of our little casa.

I would have missed this gorgeous sunset if we had not walked home from a delicious New Year's Day dinner with wonderful friends here in the resort. I saw this golden display and hurried home to grab the camera.

It was a mostly cloudy, damp, cool day. The first photo was taken at 5:28 PM and the last at 5:34 PM.  I walked from one side of the resort to the other (yes, maybe one long block) to try and get the best shot without houses and electrical poles. Because the clouds were moving quickly and the glow of the sunset was about over, I gave up.

So very glad I got to see the the spectacular sunset on Flatiron on New Year's Day. A great way to start a new year.

On January 4th Hubby and I walked in the desert near Scottsdale to find the caches that created this kokopeli when we were done. Hubby walk over 7 miles and I walked about 6. We were two very tired people when we were done that day. Let's just say we didn't do much of anything the following day!

I had the camera with me on that adventure, but was too intent on trying to complete my assigned section to worry about taking photos.

Lil' Red took us to all the locations on some very rocky, bumpy desert roads near Lake Pleasant to complete the F-35 Sortie geo-art. We did that last Sunday. Nothing unusual or very exciting that day, either.

This awesome sunset appeared Monday this week. We have had some cloudy days. Although that would not be my first choice for sky cover, it can make some awe-inspiring sunsets. I guessed I missed a spectacular one on Tuesday night.

Winter activity schedules have begun. Hubby is bowling on Fridays. Writing Your Life Story classes started on Monday. Geocaching meetings on Tuesday morning. There are so many other things we could be doing, but we are as busy as we want to be.  There is dinner and movies, happy hours and visits with friends and in a 55+ community.

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