Sunday, June 23, 2019

A New Perennial Flower

One of the things I have missed from the old house, although not in the house but in the yard, is my perennial flower beds. They were a labor of love over a number of years. I enjoyed seeing the colors of the early spring flowers when we arrived home each spring. I enjoyed watching the lilies burst with their various colors. Recently I had added more later summer/fall blooming plants.

When I learned it was highly recommended by the landscaping company that takes care of the yards NOT to have any structures or decor that inhibited fast mowing by large machines, I was rather bummed. There is tall wild grass (weeds) growing in the wash or Skunk Creek behind our house. It is NOT an attractive view. I noticed some of our neighbors have used the high part of the creek or wash bank as a flower garden. HOA landscaping said that was a perfect solution as THEY did not maintain the creek banks.

So I had a plan and a project I started in mid-May, along with all the other projects we had going on at the time. As the guys were working on building the steps, I was digging gumbo.

I wore my hiking boots as they gave the best leverage and digging power with the spades I used. I chose to work the ground when it was wet as there is no way I could have turned the soil in dry conditions. It is like cement.

I collected rocks from the new building sites and the was to help 'mark' my flower bed so the city or county mower will know NOT to mow my perennial flower bed.

it was wet and this guy kept me company

finally have the area turned 
weeds and grass about 12 inches high in mid-May

these were SOME of the perennials I had 
bought for my new flower bed
a variety of colors when blooming
all surviving and thriving in full sunshine

I bought 6 50+pound bags of soil to add to the gumbo mix. I borrowed the wheelbarrow from the kids and hauled dirt to the back yard. When I couldn't lift the bags into the wheelbarrow, I enlisted the help of a younger neighbor who hoisted the bags like 5 pound sugar bags. A good way to meet the neighbors!

everything was planted by Memorial Day weekend, finally

I had kept some of the yard decor from our other place

I bought some new things on a trip to the new Fleet Farm store

the bird bath has a home at the end of the perennial bed

The grasses and weeds along the creek bank are now 24 inches high and higher. I have trimmed the grasses and weeds around the flower bed, so there is no way a large tractor and mower will mistakenly mow the perennial bed. I'm also quite certain the bed will grow at least a couple feet on either end to accommodate new plants this fall.

Right now as I am creating this post, it is raining, again. We have had rain every day for the past week; sometimes as little as .10 and as much as .50. I know because I added a decorative rain gauge to the decor. The hibiscus says enough already. The tomatoes and cucumber need some dry weather. The perennials are happy to be in the ground.

AND the 3 tomato plants and 1 cucumber hill
in the raised garden bed next to the deck

Life is good and I have a pretty view off the deck!

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