Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Deck Addition Saga

Our townhouse came with a 10x10 foot cedar deck off the main floor living space. No steps on the deck. All winter Hubby talked about the steps he wanted to build when we got back home. We had some discussions and after mutual agreement on step placement, and HOA approval, the plan became reality. (I have to admit, I just didn't think the steps off the deck were necessary. I didn't't think we would use them.) But as the project took shape I realized the steps allowed us a second exit to our home and am very thankful to have that option if ever it was needed. I can't see either of us vaulting the deck railing and jumping 57 inches to the ground.

Hubby enlisted the help of Jerry, our engineer friend, and thus began a week of measuring, sawing and hammering.

thinking, planning, 

concrete fabrication (block) to support the pipes
below the frost line, required by code
and to support the landing posts

using a jack hammer to push the 4'
pipes into the concrete block

the process went easier than either of them anticipated

all four in the ground and capped

2 of them

playing in the sand to set the concrete pads

landing pads in place

stringers cut and in place

Jerry was busy that day, so I was the
helping hand

steps done, landing is not, railing is not

Jerry was back
landing done, railings attached

Woo Hoo! 

Old wood. New wood.

So, that led to another project. Some folks told us the cedar should 'set' a year before staining. Others told us to stain right away. Hubby wanted this project completed before his foot surgery on June 3. We rented a power wash machine and cleaned off the old wood. (Old wood meaning the deck was built in May 2018.) Cleaning off the wood brought about another project...some of the cedar was so chewed by the power washing process, floor boards needed replacing as did some of the deck spindles. We were now on week two of 'adding steps to the deck' and hampered by rain every other day. The saga continues...

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