Monday, September 23, 2019

Fall means Soccer

Today, Monday, is the first day of fall and in our small corner of the world that means soccer season is here. We missed a few games while we were exploring the other part of the country, but now that we are back, we will attend as many games as possible.

The soccer fields have been closed since the tornados, yes three of them, went through the Sioux Falls area on September 10th just before midnight. Downed trees along the river and flooding were the reasons for closing the fields as most of the fields are along the Sioux River. Although much of the tree cleanup has happened, we did see some evidence of the debris caused by the tornadic winds.

I was driving so unable to take photos of the piles of trees, limbs, and branches along the roads.

Saturday was a perfect September day for soccer. Sun shining. Morning temps in the 70s and afternoon temps in the 80s and a nice breeze to keep the bugs away.

M's game was in the morning. As a second grader the teams are still playing on a smaller field with 4 on 4 players with 8 team members so there can be a full team substitution...if everyone is there.

Although not pictured, his daddy is the coach again this season.

Miss W played in the afternoon.

daddy is also coaching her team this season
12 girls, so 2 teams of 6 play at a time...

...if everyone is there

playing her favorite position ~ goalie
I think the ball made it to her end once during that half

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for the grands to have their grandparents attend their games. One of life’s little blessings.


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