Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Harvard & Cambridge

We are in the Boston area for a few days before heading north. Today's plans needed some adjusting due to our delayed flight last night from Minneapolis. We were to arrive in Boston at midnight. The plane was late. It was overbooked. Our carryon bags became checked bags when the overhead compartments filled. We arrived after 1 AM. It took 30-60 minutes to get our luggage and rental car. We got to the hotel at 2:30 AM. The alarm clock in the room went off at 6 AM. I did not know how to turn it off, so kept hitting the snooze button. Finally at 7, I unplugged the dang thing. Needless to say, we were operating on very few hours of sleep, so got a late start this morning.

The plan was to see the major sites along the Freedom Trail, but I am having some foot issues and there is no way I could walk that distance. We decided to take the hop-on-hop-off trolley, but realized we would not get to see all we wanted to in the 3 hours left to the day. Thus the change of plans.

We (thanks to OFD's researching & planning) took the train/subway to Cambridge to the campus of Harvard.

I am too tired to do the research for some of the buildings, I keep nodding off, so you are getting photos with very little commentary...

The cool thing was the campus of Harvard was right across the street when we got off the train and up the steps...

the carriage/vehicle gate
now used by bicycles

the large handle was very interesting on that gate

the NARROW carriage/auto gate with the 
pillars & metal work

church on the campus of Harvard
quite the steeple

the campus has LOTS of green space at this entrance

Hubby rubbing the tip of his shoe for good luck

John Harvard, founder

We can now say we have been to Harvard!

the church across the street from the campus entrance

could not enter the church 

holly growing along the church foundation

the attached cemetery was also locked and off limits

chillin' with a brew before heading
back to Boston

deviled eggs starter
bacon, bleu cheese, avocado, lime & chili sauce

then shrimp tacos
they were also yummy & gone within a minute

Then it was about an hour ride on the trains to get back to our station & car rental and a short drive to the hotel. I hope I sleep better & longer tonight. (The alarm on the clock has been turned off!!!) No post tomorrow night as we are attending a baseball game in the evening.


  1. Good Morning.....hope you got a good nights sleep! Will be waiting for the next blog. Beautiful section of the country.

  2. Planned B sounds like it worked just fine! Hope you slept better. Can't wait to see what you are up to tomorrow!


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