Monday, September 2, 2019

Rodeo Stock

There are two major South Dakota companies/ranches that provide rodeo stock to some of the state's rodeos: Sutton and Korkow. They also provide rodeo stock to rodeos in the midwest and sometimes an animal reaches the PBR or PRCA finals. Korkow trucked the animals from Sully County to the Sioux Empire Fair.

In the pens or corrals, the animals appear as docile creatures. It is a different story when the saddle, straps, ropes or cowboys are in place. I took these photos between the two rodeo sessions.

moving the steer wrestling or maybe tie-down calves 
from one pen to another prior to the start of the rodeo

the team roping stock wasn't as cooperative
during their relocation

stock for the bareback and saddle bronc events
different stock for the afternoon and evening sessions
as the event ended, the stock was moved into the double-decker
cattle trailers/semi trucks

the ears and horns indicate some Brahma blood

some of the ranch hands' kids spent the rodeo down-time
riding the calves

including the girls
but they all had assigned working jobs once the rodeo
was up and running...removing straps, ropes, and equipment
before the animals returned to the corrals
it was as much fun watching them work
as it was watching the cowboys 

When this post goes live, we will be on an adventure to the northeast area of the US. Not certain if there will be blog posts while we are traveling. The trip starts as a tourist adventure and then moves to a geocaching experience.

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