Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Something to Smile About!

This will be my last blog post from our winter home. We begin traveling north on Thursday. The cacti are either in full bloom or just beginning to show their fabulous flowers. I took advantage of the golf cart we rented this season and the spring-like weather we have had recently and along with the camera, I documented spring in our resort.

During this time of confusion and uncertainty...I would like to share something to smile about.

The first in each set of photos shows the plant and the second photo focuses on the flower.  No more words; just color, uniqueness and beauty. 












You can click on any photo to see it in a larger version.

As of today all amenities in the resort are closed due to the coronavirus. The only activity available to those who are still here is to walk the streets, gather in small groups of less than 10 with appropriate social distancing, or walk in the desert. The weather is perfect for enjoying the outdoors. But for us, it is time to head home.


A big thank you to all my blog followers. Over the weekend or late last week, my blog has been viewed over 100,000 times since I started documenting our travels in late 2005. The posts from those first few years are no longer available, but since June 2008 everything is there. And this post will be #1137 or about 1150 with the deleted ones. I'm so bummed that I did that. Oh is what it is. Thank you for reading and commenting. You are appreciated.


  1. What a perfect idea with a photograph and follow up of a close up, brilliant my friend. Stephanie just said to me the other day.....Mom, start blogging again. I did go into my computer to see if I still knew how to do it!!!! You might be surprised one day. Safe travels Coleen a change of scenery might be a good idea.


Thanks for your comments!