Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What a Find!

Last season while in AZ, Hubby removed the winter survival kit from the van and placed it in a cupboard to be dealt with at another time. Today was another time. I was cleaning cupboards in preparation of leaving our winter casa and heading back to South Dakota.

The Odyssey Winter Survival Kit was our fund raiser for the Odyssey of the Mind program back in the early '90s. I think we sold them one for $7, two for $10, or something close to that. I know the parents, students and I make hundreds of them in anticipation of needing funds to travel to the World Finals competition. I had one in every vehicle we drove and made certain each of our kids had one in their vehicles when traveling to college.

What a Find!!! 2-ply TP

snacks & drinks, emergency blanket, enamel cup for melting snow,
materials to make a little stove, large garbage bags, and TP

The candles had melted, one around the handle of the enamel cup which I removed. We'll wash the cup and put in in the Edge 'cause you never know... I put the matches, fuel tablets, and wing stove in the car, just in case...

information about what should be carried in your vehicle
in winter in our part of the country
and the directions for using the wing stove

I never heard if the kit helped a stranded motorist or saved someone, but I do know we sold all the kits we assembled, making several thousand dollars. I think the concept came about when a sudden snowstorm became a blizzard and a number of motorists in our part of the state were stranded over night until rescue personnel could reach them. If nothing else, the winter survival kit reminded people what they should have in their vehicles in the winter, and gave me, as a parent some peace of mind when the kids were on the road. And as coordinator of the OM program, it was a useful product for the purpose of raising funds for our school's winning teams. Ahhhh. Memories. And TP!

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