Monday, May 11, 2020

Keeping Busy During Self-Quarantine

There were no April blog posts, well one, finally, because we did nothing, except...

watch the snow fall on Easter
and thankful we did not have to shovel it

I baked cookies, once

set 500 piece puzzles
we have been to this place

I tried this one and gave up
Hubby got it done

a 300 piece easier one

just for fun and not hard

admired the pasque as it bloomed

another 500 piece one

I got groceries once a week, wearing my mask
I cooked a dinner every day
created a photo book of our winter in AZ
some laundry, some cleaning
Hubby put together the table I ordered in December
we hung the outdoor metal work
set up the deck
made some T-shirt masks
and after 2 weeks a visit with family, outdoors
Hubby helped them with some yard projects several days
we weren't bored
we just didn't do or go anywhere worthy of sharing
until now

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice relaxing time. Loved the puzzles! I would love to do the route 66 and donut one. Enjoy your May!


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