Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Walk Downtown

 I joined some friends for a walk along Phillips Avenue Tuesday to view some of the 80 sculptures placed for viewing and purchasing this year.

The Model

I think this was my favorite. From the backside it looked like three Cacti plants in a container.

But when we saw the front side, it was people, wrapped in a hand.   
Song of Protectedness

Junkyard Chameleon

Populous Deltoides
my second favorite as it tingled in the breeze
like a gentle wind chime

Rude Awakening

I liked the story behind this colorful piece. Mark Hall of Kasota MN trained with master glass craftsman, Warren Olson, who was schooled in the German tradition. Olson hired Hall to fabricate and install ecclesiastical stained glass windows throughout the country. 

Ancient Protocol
colorful bugs mating

crafted of spoons, forks and knives

Ancient Dream Catcher
also crafted by Mark Hall

Day's Catch


The walk ended at Blarney's Pub. I enjoyed Shephard's Pie.

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