Saturday, August 3, 2024

Flower Update

 Here is some color from the deck and the flower bed.

I do not remember the name of this flower, but the interesting colors caught my eye last year and again this year when I shopped at Home Depot. Rather than spend $20 or more on an established plant in a planter, I purchased 3 starter plants and put them in one of my pots in late May.

The three plants did not do anything but grow a bit for two months. I fertilized, watered, and talked to them.

Finally, in mid-July all my TLC paid off and they started to bloom, and bloom and bloom! The flowers are very similar to a hibiscus, but the leaves are different. It certainly adds some bright color on the patio. The flowers last three or four days where the hibiscus flowers last only two. I do know it is a tropical annual.

The Black-eyed Susan plant is the star of the perennial flower bed this summer. It is at least twice as big as it was last summer.

I love the flowers and the fact the plant just takes care of itself. My kind of perennial!

This Bee Balm was hidden in the annuals. I did not realize it had survived the winter until I saw the burst of color! I also have a purple Bee Balm.

I LOVE the variety of color and flowers in the butterfly and bee box of seeds I tossed at the edge of the perennial bed. I will need to stop at Dollar General and get another box for next summer. Yes, I have collected and dried the seeds, but have not had very good luck with that project. I have had very good luck with the dollar box, so I will continue with them.

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