Thursday, August 8, 2024

South Dakota to Riverton WY

 These photos were on Facebook, but for the blog followers who are not a Facebook friend of mine, here are the highlights from Monday and Tuesday. 

We have not visited Grand Teton National Park, so it was one of the goals for this August trip. The second goal was to find a geocache in the seven WY counties we had not visited on previous trips through the state, and there have been several trips over the years. (Wyoming has 23 counties.)

at the WY Visitor's Center on the WY/SD state line

We got to Buffalo on Monday afternoon early enough to find a much needed geocache. It was best done while NOT towing the travel trailer! 

On Tuesday we drove from Buffalo to Riverton. The scenery on the first half of the trip was the two pictures in the Buffalo collage. The rest was like in the Bighorn Sheep sign photo and lush green valleys with farmland.

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