Saturday, July 23, 2011

Face Lift

No, not my Face Lift. The house Face Lift.

It seems like all we have done this summer is move furniture and 'stuff' out of rooms and then move it back into the rooms. This time, we have been working on the hallway and office.

We stripped the wall paper from the top half of the walls, cleaned the walls of the glue,  filled the nail holes, varnished the wainscot, painted the trim boards and baseboards, and painted the doorways and doors. (Painted=sanded, primed, painted, painted, varnished) There are seven doors and doorways in this project!

The bathroom door is done and has been put back in place. Whoopee! I am going to LOVE the look of the white woodwork!

We haven't painted the bathroom walls though they are on the list. We might do it yet this summer/fall.

We stripped the wall paper border in the office, varnished the wainscot, painted the trim boards, base boards and window,  and removed the carpet uncovering the original hardwood floor.

Hardwood floor restorers sanded, stained and varnished the office last Thursday and Friday. The odor was atrocious! They attempted to seal off the smell with this high tech covering. It helped, but was still very strong and noxious.

We did survive and this is the result unveiled Saturday morning. It is beautiful and we love it!

The wood in the front of the photo is the laminated hallway flooring. The back wood floor is from the office. Originally, the hallway was covered with cork floor tiles. They were beyond restoration, so were replaced about 10 years ago with the laminate, which I love.

On August 8, the ceilings and walls of the office and hallway will be textured and painted. There will also be new light fixtures and light switches.

And all of this 'stuff' will be taken out of the guest bedroom and put back in the office. Well...most of it will go back. There is more in the back garage! Yes, too much stuff! But the office is also my craft and project room. The 'someday I will do it' collecting room. My 10x10 'girl cave'.
My Space.

Usually this continuous mess would drive me nuts, but we are leaving town for 10 days. Out of sight, out of mind. I will survive knowing there is an end in sight.

You and I will have to wait until mid-August to see the end result.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa...big, big project. Will have a happy ending though. The hardwood floor in the office is gorgeous. Am anxious to see the end result. Someday you will love having a girl room, I had one in our old house even though I did not get to use it as it was finished just before we left for Arizona and in the spring we stayed at the cottage and 'cleaned' up the house for selling. I did have great expectations though and I did fill the shelves with my books and walls with my photography!!


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