Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday with Willa

I had a doctor's appointment in SF on Thursday so we made it a day to visit Willa and her parents. Willa did something that just melted our grandparent hearts. She walked up to each of us (at different times) and held out her arms so we would pick her up and hold her. Grandpa was sitting in the chair when she approached him. She sat so contentedly on his lap for several minutes. She made Grandpa's day!

Grandma had found a sturdier, noisy push toy for Willa. But she moves so fast, I didn't get a picture of Willa in action.

She is so good about entertaining herself. She toddled to her toy area, and grabbed one of her favorite toys...the pail of stacking tubs. She can play with those for a very long time before she tires of them.

She was playing with her tongue, moving it from side to side and vocalizing at the same time. I love how she sticks her little tongue out of her mouth.

What a special little sweetheart! She gives kisses now and she gave them to us when we left. Awww...


  1. She's such a big girl & keeps getting cuter! Thanks for the pictures.

  2. Sweet sweet picture of Miss Willa and Grandpa. Just a plain and lovely photo! It says it all!


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