Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Curve Rounds the Bend

Curt left his room at the Heart Hospital at 6:30 this morning. At 11:15 the doctor reported he had come through the triple bypass heart surgery in very good order. I did stop in to see him at 1:00, but he was still under the influence of the 'sleepy' medicine. I checked in a couple of times later in the day. The kids went to see him at 7:00. Curt was sporadically watching the Twins & Royals game. I went up a bit later. Our thought was to keep the conversations and visiting to a minimum.  Curt however, was expecting me. That is all a good sign. He knew I wasn't there and wondered why. I promise to be there all day tomorrow.

He is in a lot of pain of course. His chest incision is quite long and very sore. But the breathing tube was gone and his voice was easier to understand by when I left. He was getting a sponge bath yet tonight and would be sitting at the edge of his bed before the night was over. I'm impressed!

We are both very thankful for all your prayers and concern. I hope to talk to the doctor tomorrow and will update tomorrow night.


  1. Great news! Unbelievable what Curt has endured in such a short period of time. Coleen, you must feel so much better tonight than last night at this time. I'm sure you'll sleep much better tonight. You're lucky to have kids living so close. Give our love to Curt.

    Marge and Rod

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