Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Tomatoes from the Garden

A friend told me about a 'teaspoon tomato' plant. It isn't available at many green houses or nurseries. In fact, I have only seen it once. So this year I decided to try growing the interesting plant. If you look at the center of the photo, you can see the little green orbs attached to a stem. This photo was taken on June 26th.

On July 18th, some of the teaspoon tomatoes were beginning to turn color.

Little buggers, aren't they?

Today it was time to pick tomatoes. That is the first lemon tomato of this season, and the first grape tomatoes of the year (they are on the left) and the first 'teaspoon' tomatoes ever.

You can understand how they get their name. Wouldn't they look cute and colorful in a summer salad?


  1. Coleen, are Teaspoon Tomatoes the same as Cherry Tomatoes? The Cherry Tomatoes are real sweet. I continue to enjoy your photos and blog.


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